Monday is for . . . Missions

Our friends, Charles and Pat Boyd are coming home soon from their extended trip to England to be an interim pastor. I just got an email with the last newsletter concerning the extent of their ministry there as well as the plans for the next couple to take their place. The next couple are the Spurgeon’s from Springfield, MO. They are actually in my mom and dad’s Sunday School class. They arrive in England on the 26th and the Boyds will leave on the the 30th to return back to the states.

Pray for a missionary today! If you don’t know of one (shame on you if you don’t!), please be in prayer for the McMillan’s. Valarie McMillan is fighting an awful cancer that has come back after a five year remission. She is so weak that it is difficult for her to even take the chemotherapy and Kent has to carry her everywhere she goes as she has no energy. Please pray for them today!

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