The church: a beautiful masterpiece of God’s craftsmanship. Perfectly created for a divine purpose. Yet somehow along the way we’ve added a little here, changed a little there. With age and layers of man-made priorities it seems to have lost its luster. Join us as we peel back the caked-on culture to reveal what God intended for His church to be, from the first century to the twenty-first century. Not buildings or business–but a people of passionate commitment. See the beauty of His church, led by Christ at the head, impacting a community and the world for His Kingdom.

Radical Redefinition of the Church, Part 1
David Stone, July 31, 2011

Radical Redefinition of the Church, Part 2
David Stone, August 7, 2011

Baptism: More Than A Symbol
David Stone, August 21, 2011

David Stone, August 28, 2011

Extravagantly Outward
David Stone, September 11, 2011