“You think it’s hot here!”

That is from an actual sign marquee in front of a church in Northern Arkansas that a friend saw earlier this summer. I know that it’s not original at all. Probably got it from some little “Church Marquee Sayings for Dummies” book at the local Christian bookstore. Are you kidding me? Katy, bar the door because people are going to come flocking to your church with an attitude like that! I find it humorous, but also extremely sad when we continue to have this almost weekly text of really bad marquee sayings. They might be funny to someone . . . I guess the guy who puts them up on the marquee, but they continue to send a sad message to the rest of the world. The message is that “we have it all together” and “you are not welcome, unless you straighten up.” We have a statement around here that says “No Perfect People Allowed.” It’s not that we aren’t striving to live holy lives for God. It is just that we want to send a message to those outside of this community of faith that they matter to God and they can come to Him no matter what their condition.

The air conditioning is broken in the sanctuary and won’t be fixed until Monday. That saying of “you think it’s hot in here” has been said several times around here lately, even by me, and is quite funny . . . but it is also quite sad that we sometimes forget what we are about and minimize what Christ did in conquering the grave. I want us to always have a good time, but also always think of what Christ has done for us to keep us out of the eternal fires of hell–separated from Christ for eternity.

See you on Sunday . . . with your shorts and flip flops on . . . cause it’s going to be pretty warm. I think I’ll become a child again on Sunday so I can hang out in the cool air!

Hug a Teacher!!

We have a whole bunch of teachers as a part of our church family. Make sure you pray for our teachers and students as you drive past schools and the School Zone–seriously, don’t get mad that the speed limit is 20 MPH. . . take the time to pray!! Pray that God would be honored with their hard work and love for students!

Here’s the lineup off the top of my head . . . Have a great year!!!

Randy & Marty Towe (Nixa), Kristy Richart (Nixa), Kent & Mindy Doyle (Ozark), Mary Penrod (Evangel), Brad (MSU Graduate Assistant) & Susie Dorris (Sparta); Trevor & Laine Towe (Hurley); Leslie Sallee (Nixa) ; Robert Grant (Forest Institute of Psychology); Faith Chaney (Hickory Hills)

Long Distance faculty–Ross & Dena Frierson (Crowley, TX)

Please make a comment if I have missed someone in our fellowship . . . but also fire up a comment for someone in your life that is a teacher and where they teach so we can celebrate them!

Think of where you might be without that special teacher or coach in your life!

Mad Church Disease

This is an interesting book that is coming out soon on the topic of John’s post yesterday morning on “another one bites the dust.” Burnout is a HUGE problem in the church with leaders. Honestly, if their calling wasn’t so sure, I think there would be many more who decide it is just easier to go get a job in the marketplace.

As the writer of Hebrews says, it ought to be a “joy, not a burden,” but sadly it is often a huge burden that people endure. There comes a point in time when they simply can’t endure it any more and they don’t want to “jump ship” to another church because they were called to that church, so they simply leave the ministry altogether.

Pray for your pastor and staff on this Monday morning, whoever they might be! Mondays are probably the hardest days for many pastors as they sort through the previous day. The majority of resignation letters are written on Mondays after simply being too overburdened.

Sunday Night Ramblings

  • Today at church was great–all day!
  • It is stinkin’ hot out there . . . still at 11:15 at night!
  • Our attendance numbers are really picking up!
  • We had seven people join our church in 101 today!!? It is always good for me to teach 101 to remember why we do what we do!
  • Did I mention that it is stinkin’ hot?
  • Tiger Woods is amazing.? 13 majors under his belt–in the middle of Oklahoma heat.? I sure would love to go to a PGA event again sometime.? I haven’t been since The Colonial and the Byron Nelson in DFW.
  • Rick Ankiel–are you kidding me?? Three home runs so far in the “bigs” again.? What a great story!? I can still remember the playoff run when the wheels fell off.? Much like the movie Major League–“Just a bit outside!”
  • I still don’t know what to think about Barry Bonds.? Kind of like kissing your sister.? I think one pundit said it best a while back . . . “I think baseball just wishes Barry Bonds would just go away.”? I don’t think he is going quietly–he still wants to play a couple more years.
  • I don’t know if I can preach any harder than I did today.? I am really working on my preaching and I feel like I am getting better.? I still have a long way to go, but I felt like the Lord spoke through me this morning.
  • There is a real sense of expectancy around CFC that has been missing for quite some time–even in the midst of some difficult times financially.
  • Tucker threw a fit last night after we forgot to pray at dinner.? I love that kind of stuff!? Isn’t it funny how our children learn the little things and teach us.
  • Taylor and I sat and watched way too much Ice Road Truckers tonight.? “What is all that bleeping daddy?”? I don’t have a (!@*#$&@ clue, son!? Taylor said, “Daddy, they shouldn’t talk like that, should they?”? No buddy, they shouldn’t.
  • KidStuf Kickoff was awesome the other night!? Everyone seemed to have a really fun time gearing up to minister to our children.? I think this has the potential of really revolutionizing our church this fall!? Plus, watching Schawo bust a move is worth the price of admission for sure!!
  • It was cool to see the church in action yesterday at Linda Jones house.? Even on short notice, there was a good crowd there to help spruce the place up for sale.? Way to go, gang!? Everything I know about painting I learned from Gary Daily–my cutting in hero!
  • On that note, the Fantasy Football League is right around the corner.? The Rolling Stones are looking for another stellar effort this year!? I really love the banter back and forth–especially between Brad and Gary Daily!
  • School is starting soon!? Nixa this week and Ozark next week!? Where has the summer gone?
  • Taylor’s teacher thinks he is a girl.? Pretty funny.? And the same day he got a call from her, he got an invitation to join the Girl Scouts.? I don’t think we have EVER had this happen before with his name.
  • It is still hot outside!

The Mission by Darrin Patrick

Came across this by a fellow planter in St. Louis at The Journey.? We actually went through a church planting “boot camp” together before we planted.? God is really blessing their church and I think it is because of Darrin’s heart and passion for this mission.? Here is a great essay on “the mission” that we are all called to.? He does a much better job of explaining the frustration and the passion that God has put in our hearts as church planters.

“Oh, so you hate the church “

One of the four people that read this thing said that to me in jest the other day. I have read over my entries over the last little bit here and listened (yes, I do do that) to some people close to me in my life about the “tone” of the entries.

If they sound as if they are full of frustration–they are. If they sound as if we are losing the race to reach the world for Christ–I think we are. BUT, I hope you could hear my heart–they are full of passion for the “called out ones,” the Church! I believe that the Church of Jesus Christ is THE ONLY way we are going to “fix” our world. If I didn’t believe that, I would be doing something else for a living! As Bill Hybels says in Courageous Leadership and has said for years, the “Church is the hope of the world!”

I am not anti-building or anti-program–unless the building or program draws our eyes and focus off of Jesus! How foolish for us to be anti-building all the while meeting in a building! However, it is also foolish to simply dismiss the lack of focus on Jesus as “just the way it is.” Maybe that is part of the problem. We aren’t concerned that we have lost our focus on Jesus. Read more

Extreme Makeover: Great Aunt Edition

Because of my laying laminate flooring in the motorhome, my mother-in-law has been bragging to everyone about how good it looks.? She has been bragging to her aunt who lives here in Ozark.? She has been wanting to do something with her kitchen and dinning area for many years now and was ready for me to help lay some nice flooring.

Last Saturday, we went out and she picked out some flooring and she left town on Tuesday to help a friend move here mother.? We got a key and are making over here kitchen and dining area while she is gone.? I spent a long time over there yesterday and got the lions share of work done.? I think she is going to LOVE it!!? It looks SO much better!

I was thinking about how many people all around this community need these kinds of things done.? I was thinking about how the Church here in America is sick and dying.? What if part of the problem with the Church is that we are constantly asking FOR something from each person who walks through our doors?? What if all they see is an outstretched hand with an offering plate attached?? Why is it that the world’s largest volunteer force has basically been silent for decades now?? Some would say, “we don’t just feed people, that would be a social gospel.”? Nonsense!? We have been relegated to Sunday morning worship “serve-us” and big Bibles and buildings!? We have been marginalized into simply a voting block!? We have forgotten what it is to simply be salt and light in our communities.

We have some plans for a Sunday coming up where we go out and serve our community.? It can’t come soon enough, honestly!? We have been huddled around each other in our building talking about how great the Shepherd is and we need to go out and show our community how great He is!? Wouldn’t it be great that we would begin to do all kinds of random acts of kindness with “no strings attached?”? As one pastor I listen to a lot says, “we’re not serving because we want you to become saved . . . we’re serving you because WE ARE!

Lord, help us to become the kind of place that moves past coddling insiders and our own agendas and looks to become salt and light in our communities!

Monday Morning Reflections

I don’t like saying this out loud–it’s kind of like praying for patience, but I feel like God is really sifting me right now. He is really shaking me to the core of who I am to see if I will follow Him.

I don’t think I realized how influenced by the culture I am. As a sociology major (Quick, how do you get a sociology major off your porch? . . . pay for the pizza!) I realize that we ARE at some point a product of our environment. But what about the fact that God calls us to not be conformed to the patterns and culture of this world? The way I grew up in church, it seemed that verse was easy–dang heathens “out there” “in the world.” Just stay away from “the world” and “the worldly” and you will be fine. But what if Paul was indeed talking about culture–but that there is more to culture than just “the world out there?” What if I can be negatively influenced by a “church” culture that is not necessarily sin, but isn’t Biblical?

I have been wrestling with God lately (and losing–see Jacob in Genesis 32) about what is cultural and what is Biblical in my worship, my “Christian life.” How quickly we get into the routine of doing Spiritual things because “we’ve always done it that way before.” Read more

Who would you rather be??

It is a sad day indeed when the top 3 of 5 stories on SportCenter are concerning major controversies in three different professional sport leagues. NBA Commissioner, David Stern, has his hands full with a Chicago “Black Sox” controversy with an official betting on games he was calling. MLB commissioner, Bud Selig is dealing with the most cherished record in arguably all of sports . . . 755 home runs . . . being broken by a guy that is suspected to use steroids. Pay me now or pay me later, Bud. But the problem is we are all paying. Alex Rodriguez can’t get to 755 or more fast enough!! And finally, NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, has Michael Vick, QB of the Atlanta Falcons caught up in a dog fighting ring that is probably going to end up in serious jail time!

So the questions is . . . Who would you rather be? David Stern, Bud Selig, or Roger Goodell. Better get some antacid boys, it’s going to be a long fall!

Back from Kid’s Camp 2007–1 vs. 99!

We made it back yesterday from Kid’s Camp up at beautiful downtown Roach, MO at Windermere. We really had a great group of kids that went, 64 kids total. There were at least 5 decisions for Christ over the week and several more decisions to follow Christ in obedience in baptism! Praise God! That is why we do what we do–in order for Christ to change lives!

The theme was “The Game Show of Life: The Great Commission.” There were three main teaching times. The first was on the parable of the Lost Sheep told by Jesus. Read more