Goodbye, Hello!

As many of you know, I have been searching for a new pastorate for quite some time. Many churches will want to see videos of my sermons. I had placed my sermons online at a “private” page, but didn’t really find it the best option for me.

I have also been reading John Saddington’s blog, Tentblogger. He is a WordPress guy and posted on having a “personal landing/branding page” to point people to your information online. It does seem a bit presumptious, I have to admit–on the surface.  However, there are some really legitimate reasons why I decided to buy and combine my and this new personal landing page.

First, I have found, whether you like it or not, you probably have information about you on the internet. The goal is to get as close as possible to the correct information–and the correct person.

For example, go ahead and search “pastor david stone” on the internet. The first two “hits” are and my profile on Linkedin. However, the sermon link is to another pastor in Florida…at a Baptist Church no less. Then, I am really famous…ahem, it is actually, this guy, megachurch pastor, Dave Stone. I have one of his books on youth ministry on my bookshelf as a joke. I get quite a few comments of “wow, you wrote a book.” No, I’m not that smart! My, there are a lot of pastors in the world, named David Stone!

Then you go a little bit further (next few pages) and you have a ton of dead links to the longtime expired from when we planted The Church at Finley Crossings. More links to the “other” Pastor David Stone’s. You get the point, right?

Second, I am kind of a techie/nerd that enjoys this kind of stuff. I enjoy using my creativity to advance the Gospel. I have friends and former church members who have found my messages on and have sent emails thanking me and “catching up” with me.  That can’t be a bad thing, right? So, I decided to come out of hiding and put some of my messages online…the good bad and ugly.  Some of the “early” messages aren’t too good, honestly. But then again, I think it is a great picture of God’s grace and how we all grow in our craft! Also, if you have followed me from 2008, I have had a couple of versions of the blog. Here is a picture of the old header. It really needs a new, cleaner, simpler, look.

Third, I want to continue writing on a more regular basis. With this process of searching for a new place of ministry service, there have been a ton of essay questions that need to be answered from churches. I have actually enjoyed them because they help “flesh out” my beliefs in my head and heart. I feel that people can get to know me a lot better when I can communicate through the written word. So, there will be a few essays on my testimony and beliefs showing up on here soon. I also hope to post more often on the blog portion. I have noticed that when I don’t post, people don’t look at the site (profound, I know.) This new found joy that I have in writing will hopefully help me get those thoughts out of my head and into something somewhat useful.

So, for the half-dozen people who look at my blog…welcome to the new digs.

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