Exciting Sunday Coming Tomorrow!

EPIC:  Snapshots of the Savior You will not want to miss out on church tomorrow!! It is going to be a lot of fun as we get together to start a brand new series on the Passion week, Christ’s last week on the Earth. Our new series is called “EPIC: Snapshots of the Savior.”

Chris Jones is kicking off the series tomorrow with an overview message dealing with all of the range of emotions in this epic story. Just think about it for a minute . . . this epic story goes from palm branches and Hosanna! ” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the King of Israel!” to “Crucify Him!!” in just a matter of days!! I was thinking how my emotions seem to take such drastic peaks and valleys as well. I would like to think that I am getting better as I become more like Jesus in my life. But there are still those days that I am much more like a child who doesn’t get his way than the Savior of the Universe that was “led like a lamb to slaughter.” I know that Chris is going to bring it like he always does! You won’t want to miss out on this week’s message!

As we head into this Easter season, let’s not simply read the “same ol’ story” in the same old way. Let’s try to, this Easter, read the story in the gospels the way it was intended, as an Epic of humongous perportions. God became a human like us, walked this planet to teach us how to live. He died an unbelievable death so that we would have an unbelievable eternal life if we choose to believe!

We are also having a Community Blood Center of the Ozarks Blood Drive in our parking lot tomorrow from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. We usually have a great turnout for these and tomorrow should be no exception. Roll up your sleeves and give a pint so another might live.

Also, please stay for the “Star Search” that gives you a picture of all the awesome things going on for kids around here at CFC.

See you tomorrow!

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