People existing on the margins of survival

I have a friend of mine, Matt Wilkie, that I went to Kickapoo HS with that has an awesome job.? He works with Convoy of Hope now as the director of the internship program.? He has such a huge heart for missions and the gospel extending around the world. Formerly, he worked for Book of Hope and traveled “around the world with Jesus”–hence the name of his blog.

You have to click on this link and read his post about the people of Peru “on the margins of survival.”? May we all pray for the solutions for getting the Gospel to “people existing on the margins of survival.”

around the world with Jesus ? Blog Archive ? People existing on the margins of survival.

Lessons from a Razor>>Joey Shaw

Pastor Sam Shaw’s son, Joey was in India recently and was cut with a straight razor while being attacked during a robbery.? Here is what he wrote about the incident:

On November 8, 2009 in South Asia, I and two other pastors from The Austin Stone, were robbed and attacked by a small gang of South Asian youth. Unexpectedly, one of these youth sliced my left cheek with a straight razor. The wound was 5 inches long and an inch deep. It spanned from about my left sideburn to the left corner of my mouth. Fortunately, the two other men with me were physically unharmed. We ran for safety in the middle of the city, pleaded with locals for help, and finally ended up in the emergency room at a local hospital where a doctor stitched up my face with three layers of stitches.

After arriving back home, I realized that this attack was a catalyst to great spiritual and emotional growth. After a week long of reflection, I have outlined below the lessons that I have learned. I hope my story and these lessons will encourage others to radical obedience to Jesus and mobilize them to the mission of God.

Amazing stuff!? Make sure you read the rest of the lessons here.

ASCC – God Gospel Mission Blog.

AmeriCANs: Family’s Mission to Serve – ABC News

Check out the video we showed in the beginning of our service yesterday!? I hope that this begins to make us think of creative ways to show God’s love to others!

AmeriCANs: Family’s Mission to Serve – ABC News.

Why Water?

oneinsixcleanwaterI honestly don’t even know where to put these statistics as I sit in my nice warm house with our own personal well out back working just fine. Some info from the website…[emphasis mine]

Right now, 1.1 billion people on the planet don’t have access to safe, clean drinking water. That’s one in six of us.WHO WE ARE.
charity: water is a non profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations. We give 100% of the money raised to direct project costs, funding sustainable clean water solutions in areas of greatest need. Just $20 can give one person in a developing nation clean water for 20 years.

Learn how you can help here >

I heard an interview on the Catylist leadership podcast yesterday about the story of Scott Harrison, the founder of Scott’s Story is an amazing story of the power of a vision to change the world.

I think that we often just gloss over these numbers, especially 1.1 Billion people.? To put some of the numbers into perspective…1 million seconds=almost 12 days…1 Billion seconds is almost 32 years!! Unbelievable.

What would happen if all of the people in the Church would get on board and try to solve this major problem in the world?? I absolutely love the 100% model of Charity Water…no administrative costs…100% goes to bring fresh water to those without.? If this charity is any example, I think the Church has an excellent chance to make major progress in a short time–if we would focus on the goal.

Question:? What are some water charities that you have given to or you know are doing a great job as well?

Would you like to change the world?

Ran across this post of a pastor in Springfield.? They are starting a new series called “ImpACT.”? They are going to be talking about fighting four global giants: Disease, Poverty, Illiteracy, and Spiritual Emptiness. I absolutely love this idea that we CAN make a difference here and around the globe!

I have been a fan of Rick Warren as well since I was in seminary and he has a similar project that he and his wife Kaye have been working on to eliminate these Global Giants. They call it the P.E.A.C.E. Plan.

So what is the P.E.A.C.E. plan? (From their website

There are five giant problems that affect billions of people on our planet? We call them Global Giants.

Spiritual Emptiness Billions live without hope, and in conflict.? They don’t know that they’re not an accident, and that Jesus Christ died for them so that their past can be forgiven, they can have a purpose for living, and they can have a home in heaven.

Self-serving Leadership Jesus said leadership is about serving, and if you want to be great, learn to be the servant of all.? The goal of leadership is not to see how many people help you, but how many people you help.

Extreme Poverty Half the world lives on less than two dollars a day–three billion people are in extreme poverty.

Pandemic Diseases Billions of people are still suffering from diseases that we know the cure for, and that’s unconscionable.

Rampant Illiteracy Half the population of the world–three billion people–is functionally illiterate.? How can anybody make it in the twenty-first century if they can’t read or write?

These giants loom so large that no one person or organization can provide significant relief.? The United Nations hasn’t been the solution.? Governments haven’t.? Businesses haven’t.? None of these have the advantages the church has.? The church has the biggest distribution, the most people, and the greatest motivation–love.

So we have developed The P.E.A.C.E. Plan to attack the world’s five Global Giants:

P – Promote reconciliation (by planting churches)

E – Equip leaders

A – Assist the poor

C – Care for the sick

E – Educate the next generation

If you do a simple Google search on “The P.E.A.C.E. Plan,” you will get a lot of negative things that come up as well.? Mainly legalistic, fundamentalist, Americans who don’t like Purpose Driven or Rick Warren or megachurches who have a website and rant about the dangers of such a thing.? Yeah, dangers like billions of people having the possibility of their life being changed by the Gospel.? Billions of people who might be helped to get out of extreme poverty. Billions of people who are educated so they can become successful in helping others.? Billions of people being saved from diseases that we as Americans are not effected because of modern medicine.

Bottom line.? How can it be a bad thing that the Church of Jesus Christ become mobilized to do what God intended it to do in the first place?? For these folks who are ranting against this idea of the P.E.A.C.E plan, I would like to know what their plan is for fighting these giants!

I hope that we can all begin to think globally and think with the Gospel in mind in everything that we do.? Hats off to Pastor Tommy as you endeavor to make your people aware of these global giants and vow to do something about it!

What are some practical things we can do to help attack these global giants?

Tommy Sparger Would you like to change the world?.

Maple Leaf Duathlon


Our church family is helping serve at this event this weekend!? I am really exited about it! We have several of our members who are competing in the races as well as Taylor “might” run in the Kids run…and I “might” be running with him if he decides he wants to do the run.? That should be a lot of fun in itself (well worth the price of admission!)

We already have a whole bunch of folks signed up to serve, but you can jump in and serve with us on Sunday even if you haven’t signed up already.? I know that several of our groups are using this as a project to serve together as a group.? It is really going to be a good time and a great opportunity for us to serve our community as we kick off Maple Leaf week!

So what is multisite again?

Here is a really good video that Zondervan has put out to advertise for two great books that you need to read to understand what I do a little bit better.? I like the concept here that the New Testament Church was actually a multisite church.? Interesting.

We have found that we are averaging almost 1000 people each weekend in our multisite campuses after only two short years.? It is really cool to be a part of a church, Forest Park, that truly cares about reaching people for Christ!? Some churches talk a good game, but Forest Park is trying to put our talk into action by sacrificing some of what we like and want so that others outside of the church might find Christ!

Multi-Site ? Being One Church in Multiple Locations from Zondervan on Vimeo.

Why? The Problem of Evil and Suffering


I can remember in my Philosophy of Religion class in seminary spent a very long time discussing this issue.? I believe that Dr. Keith Putt knew that we would be facing this issue over and over in our daily lives and ministry.? It seems for a twenty something guy with “the world by the tail” something that might not be applicable at all.? However, it seems that my seminary education got personal very quickly.

One of my great friends is Jenny Crowder Long.? She was Jenny Crowder when I met her as a little 7th grade girl in my youth group.? She was also the youngest daughter of an amazing lady–Martha Crowder.? Martha was my secretary at First Baptist Battlefield, my first ministry position.? Basically, Martha kept me straightened out for the year and a half while I was a youth pastor there in Battlefield.

Right after I took this Philosophy of Religion class, I got a phone call from Jenny saying that her mom had a very aggressive cancer and only had a short time to live.? Why? What do you say? Why would God do this? Eventually, Jesus took Martha home to heaven to be with Him.? That left a huge hole in the lives of those around Martha. The amazing part of this story is what God continues to do to help Jenny use this pain and suffering for His glory.? She is a psychologist and helps people every day to deal with the problems and issues in their lives.

One case in particular where I saw God use Jenny’s pain for His glory was the summer she was my intern in Burleson, TX.? One of my student’s mother was dying of, you guessed it, a very aggressive cancer.? This woman had gone through a battery of therapy to kill the cancer and she had “beat cancer.”? She beat cancer for less than a year.? She eventually was taken home to heaven the spring before Jenny came to be my intern.? God used Martha’s death to help Jenny minister to this young lady in her pain. Does it make the pain of either lady’s death less difficult? Absolutely not! However, God is sovereign over both blessings and suffering (see Job–“he gives and takes away…blessed be the name of the Lord.”)

If you have been living and breathing for very long, you will have to deal with this issue of suffering.? The problem is, especially with guys, we don’t deal with it very well, do we?? We tend to “clam up” and not want to discuss the issues.? We tend to push everything down deep into our hearts.? We often get mad at God and other people who are His representatives.

Our LifeGroup has been wrestling with this issue lately and I have been researching a bit on the topic.? Here is a great series from David Platt on this issue.? Check it out.? Has some great resources as well such as a Small Group curriculum.

Need to keep going?

Today was William Carey’s birthday. ?He would have been 284. ?He is often called the “father” of the modern missions movement. ?Ran across this info. on Sam Shaw’s blog this evening on my google reader. ?Check out his post here.

I am often reminded of William Carey and the Serampore Mission that he founded in India. ?When I get to feeling pretty low and inadequate in my ministry, I always remember what I learned about him in seminary. ?He must have had the same feelings–only exponentially stronger! What is amazing is that he had no converts for the first 7 years in India! He lost two wives to death. And he lost 19 years of translation work due to a fire. ?After the fire, he wrote “In one short evening the labours of years are consumed. How unsearchable are the ways of God! . . . The Lord has laid me low that I may look more simply to him.Are you kidding me? That is amazing! Sure wish I could have that kind of faith in the midst of the storms of life. ?He was so convinced that God had called him to reach lost souls that he was never going to give up!

God, give me that same kind of tenacity and drive for the lost in my world!

Road Trip: Carthage Edition


Wow, what an awesome day of serving our community! We decided to take the Church to the people today! We had a great turnout of people helping serve those in need here in Carthage.

Why do this on Sunday? This question has been asked quite a bit lately. The leadership felt that the best time to do this was on a Sunday to have the most people available. Plus, we wanted to do some ?teaching? that worship isn?t necessarily only when a group of people gathers in a church and sings songs and hears a message from the Bible. Worship is a lifestyle. We are also doing this on Sunday to send a message to our community that they are important–so important, in fact, that we are helping them instead of doing something for us. And, what better day than ?the Lord?s Day? to do the ?Lord?s work!?

What about the kiddos? We said that we wanted each mom and dad, use their own discretion on how much or how little ?help? they wanted your child to be today. Our group had a lot of kiddos, so we didn’t get as much done as some of the other groups, but it was an awesome time of teaching for our little guys about what “true religion” (see James) is all about.

Thank you again so much for helping us take the Gospel to this community through your service!

Here is a gallery of pictures of a few of the groups…thanks to Taylor Orr for the photos.