Interview::Theology and Practice of Worship

Here is a great interview of Bob Kauflin with the Desiring God guys on the Theology and Practice of Worship. If you have a few minutes it is well worth the time to watch the interview.  I have been preaching on worship for the last month or so and opened up our Christmas series talking about worship as well. It has been said that “worship is the activity of the human soul.” Everybody worships…the question is not “do we worship?,” but it is “what or whom is the object of that worship?.” We have found ourselves in the American Church with a real problem because we have placed an extremely high value on form and not so much on the theology and “God” behind the worship. We have these crazy things called “worship wars” that should never happen in the Church of Jesus Christ. We fight over the style of the worship, the dress of those leading, the instrumentation of the worship…all the while, the object of the worship is robbed of His deserved glory. I believe that there is always going to be a battle going on for our allegiance in worship. The Bible is pretty clear that (1) we have an enemy; and (2) he is battling hard to get the allegiance and affection that Christ deserves away from Christ and to any other thing that we might worship. The enemy is working overtime to get us distracted from the True object of worship–Jesus. We have had several really good conversations and discussions about worship here in this local body on Sunday nights following the messages, which is so good to see. We need to have honest discussions about worship in “spirit and truth.” One of our senior adults said it so well last night and basically quoted Paul in 1 Cor. 10:31 in our discussion. He said, “when you get up in the morning and have a drink of water…that is worship. When you go to your job…that is worship. When you have time with your family…that is worship.” Amazing time last night! Paul couldn’t have said it better himself!

    So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV)


Feel free to conspire

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Check out this promo video from Advent Conspiracy. It is amazing what could happen if we would simply rethink how we do Christmas! Check out the site at to see how you might “conspire” to have Christmas be different and better this year.

There are also some great ideas on how to give affordable gifts that you have made this Christmas at

Hard Times Generation

This story breaks my heart. Just days after one of the biggest “Black Fridays” in history, there are millions of Americans who are out of work and living in their cars. This is the reality of ministry here in the Glades. This piece from 60 Minutes that aired last night looks at the situation through the eyes of the children involved. It is truly amazing to see the resolve in these children–but just as amazing to see them speaking as adults…dealing with adult problems as children.

As with anything in life, you can look at it as a problem or an opportunity. I hope that God will help me and others in the Church in Belle Glade to look at these “problems” as “opportunities” for God to do something extraordinary here in the Glades. This 60 Minutes piece is a powerful story of the reality of life for many people here in central and south Florida, but also many other places all across the country. I pray that this recession will force us to look to the Lord of Heaven and of Earth with fresh eyes and look to Him alone for help. May the song of the Psalmist be our prayer.

    I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the LORD,
who made heaven and earth.
(Psalm 121:1-2 ESV)



Here is a slideshow of pictures from last night’s outreach party we had at church called NEEWOLLAH. I am so thankful for a great group of volunteers who love Jesus and love this community. You will get a chance to see some of the great people who make up this great community in the Glades.

BTW, the camera adds 40 pounds! Actually, I need to lay off the Southern food and sweet tea! Also, there are several of Taylor’s football teammates in the pictures wearing their red Bears jerseys. There is also a sighting of Keith Stone as well.  Enjoy!

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Joplin Extreme Makeover

Really excited to see the Extreme Makeover that is happening in Joplin, MO with SEVEN houses built in 7 days! The project manager is a friend and former classmate of mine, Sam Clifton. We went to the same church together and were in high school band together as well. He is also the mayor of Nixa, MO.

Sam has been building homes for many years now and this is actually his second build with Extreme Home Makeover. What a good guy and what a great cause! Here are some video interviews from the Springfield ABC affiliate KSPR. Can’t wait to see the episode when it comes out this year!

Friday Night Lights

Ran across a couple of stories that are “close to home” for me. One in my former home of Joplin, MO and another in my current home of Belle Glade, FL. The first is a story of hope from ESPN’s Outside the Lines. It is truly amazing what has happened in Joplin since May 22nd and how the community has been so resilient in the face of adversity.


The second football related video is of a local standout named Kelvin Taylor from here in Belle Glade. Taylor’s father is former NFL running back Fred Taylor that spend the bulk of his career with the Jacksonville Jaguars. Kelvin is truly a chip off the old block and an amazing talent…and a great young man as well.

Tuesday is for Training::Desiring God 2011

I tweeted on Saturday that I was listening to David Platt’s message at the 2011 Desiring God National Conference. The sermons are now up on the web now and are well worth your time to listen to/watch. Some of my favorite heroes of the faith are all there! Great stuff indeed!

Here is one of my favorites of all time right here!

If you know me very well, you know I have a bit of a man crush on Louie Giglio! Ha! I had my youth groups follow him all across the country for Student Life Camp every year. A huge part of my growing as a Christian has come under his teaching.

Video and Audio from the 2011 National Conference – Desiring God.

I Like Giving

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Ran across this yesterday and think it is a really cool concept! I love to watch these great stories of how someone was a blessing to another person. What I love about it is that they are seemingly small acts of kindness that make a lasting impact. I know that we have been the beneficiaries over the last several months of many people who simply gave to us no strings attached. I hope that we can do the same as we get our financial feet under us and be a blessing to those around us. I believe that generosity is the antidote to greed and I know that I want to be able to kill that greed my own life and teach our boys how to live a generous life.

On the same topic, I watched an amazing sermon last night from Andy Stanley and their series “Recovery Road.” Absolutely nailed it. He challenged every believer to use what we’ve been entitled, to bless and serve those around us. [pullquote]He challenged every believer to use what we’ve been entitled, to bless and serve those around us.[/pullquote] Spot on…hit me like a ton of bricks. I am going to go back and watch the entire series (I don’t think yesterday’s message is up yet on their site) because it was such a powerful message at such a poignant time for America as well as here in Belle Glade. We talk a whole lot about entitlement up in here, but we don’t often talk about using that entitlement to serve and bless others with that entitlement!

All of these things (coincidentally, because God surely isn’t trying to speak to me about my greed;-)) dovetail nicely with what I am learning in my coaching network as well as several books on missional living that I’ve been reading. There is a pastor in Springfield, MO that always says that “we are blessed to be a blessing” AND that the Church is “in the blessing business.” I hope that I can apply these principles in my own life and the Kingdom will be positively impacted because of Christians getting out and blessing others around them!

When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, “Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you. Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.

(John 13:12-17 ESV)

About | I Like Giving.

Are You Ready for Some Football?

The college football season just started last weekend with a bang. The Glades Day School Gators had their first home game last Friday night. And Taylor boy had his first several tackle football practices this week. It is going to be a great time for him…and me as an assistant coach. (Huge difference between assistant coach and head coach, for sure!) Oh, and the Rolling Stones are rolling along again starting tonight! We are headed for another season as a perinial cellar-dweller in my fantasy league with friends from SW MO. Here are some pics of Taylor’s first practice in full pads! He is so grown up!! Amazing!

Ed Stetzer – How to Get Involved in Disaster Relief: Helping Before and After a Disaster

Here is a great article on how you can get involved in Disaster Relief. We are entering the heart of the hurricane season around here in South Florida and just missed Hurricane Irene. However, millions of people were not so lucky as she moved north along the Atlantic Coast. I pray for our friends and neighbors who are picking up the pieces today after a horrific weekend of storms. May we take and apply some of these principles and make a difference after these events. We may have a few more major storms come through this season…remember Hurricane Wilma came through Belle Glade very late in the season.

Ed Stetzer – How to Get Involved in Disaster Relief: Helping Before and After a Disaster.