Are you a “Star?”
Our Children’s Ministry is having “Star Search” tomorrow after the service. It takes a whole bunch of “stars” to make that ministry happen each week and we are always looking for people to volunteer to be a “star” in a child’s life. There will be food, it will be fast (only one hour), and it’s free!
Many people ask me why we don’t do a big week of ministry like Vacation Bible School or something like VBS. I like to say that we do a VBS quality “program” every week our children are here at CFC. So actually, they get more than a week’s worth of quality, awesome programming; they get around year’s worth of Sundays full of fun at church! I have been editing a video for them to use tomorrow and it is AWESOME to see all of the great stuff going on “back there” while we are out in the adult service. They can’t do it alone and who knows, maybe you are missing out on the blessing of helping a child come to know Jesus Christ in a personal way.
I know that some of my favorite people in life are my Sunday School teachers and Youth Ministry leaders who took time out of their extremely busy lives to share Christ with a goofy little brown haired boy. I am grateful to them for taking that time to study the “flannel graph” lesson and teach us. Times have changed . . . flannel graph (although extremely cool, still) is not used very much anymore. . . but the message of Jesus Christ changing a young (and old) heart hasn’t changed a bit.
Come tomorrow and check out what is going on in our Children’s Ministry.? You might even find that you fit perfectly to make a huge impact on a child’s life.