National Mall, Washington DC Memories

capital mall.jpgWatching the Inauguration of President Barack Obama brings back some very fond memories of mine of the wonderful city of Washington D.C.

My first memory of Washington, DC was when I was a young boy on vacation with my parents. We happened to be there in the Nation’s Capital over the Independence Day holiday week. Being a young boy, I heard that there was an awesome fireworks display on the National Mall that just had to be attended–in person. They would shoot the fireworks from off of barges on the Potomac River over the Washington Monument . . . an awesome sight for sure. My mom and dad were suckers for their young son and gave in to my begging to attend the event in person!

We left the campground where we were staying in College Park, Maryland and rode the subway all the way in to the National Mall station. Upon exiting the subway, we walked into the middle of the largest crowd I had ever been a part of in my young life. There were also as many porta potties as the eye could see lining the entire length of the mall on both sides. We laid out our blanket and waited for the festivities to begin later that evening.

It was one of the most amazing nights of my life! Watching the huge crowds today have brought a flood of memories to that week in DC.

My second memory of Washington, DC was much more recently, but still a family memory. This time, our family was all there in DC, my brother Rick included. We were there for his retirement ceremony from the Navy. His ceremony was at the Jefferson Memorial–really cool deal for sure! We stayed with one of Jenny’s college classmates, Judith Norton outside of Baltimore. She is in the United States Army Field Band and Soldier’s Chorus–a professional music group that performs all over the world, but specifically in the DC area at all of the major events, such as the Inauguration today. We were able to hang out with my brother and his family as well as Judith, which was really cool. We were only a family of 3 at that point . . . but Tucker would soon be with us later that year.

It struck me then, and me now the beauty and shear genius of our founding fathers. Democracy is an amazing thing for certain! Where else but America can you have a complete change of leadership without force? Without struggle? Without “ever skipping a beat?” I mean, these guys ride in the same vehicle to almost every event for the whole day!! Oh, to be a fly on the wall in that limousine! The man swearing in Obama today, Chief Justice Roberts, is swearing in a man that did not vote for him to be confirmed to the Supreme Court. It is told that there was shear hatred between Chief Justice Warren and then President Nixon. It is all about the balance of power and the change of that power in a peaceful–almost poetic way. There is something extremely powerful about a peaceful transfer of power. Democracy is a beautiful thing indeed.

I think today there was another memory made for me. I am proud to be an American!

Slacker Blogger . . . will post soon. . . I promise!

Every time I sit down to post about what has been going on and on my heart over the last several weeks, I seem to get interupted–interupted by good stuff. . . mostly.? We have been super busy with family as well as church stuff.

Just a quick post to let you know that everything is going well . . . just extremely busy.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Check out the recent Twitter/Facebook on the left margin in the meantime.

First Night of musical

The first night of “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” went really well! Jenny did an awesome job on her solo! Of course she did…I taught her everything she knows.

My mom and dad, my mom’s sister and her husband( Barbara and Jack) came too. Thanks for not saving us a seat, dad! Just kidding!

Here are some pictures of the night. Will add more when I get on the computer, not my iPhone.

Friday is for . . . family & food. . .and some Christmas shopping!

Hanging out at the greatness of Chick-fil-A for our weekly Friday morning ritual of breakfast with Mom, Dad, and Tucker.? We absolutely love their Chicken Minis–especially Tucker loves “the minis” with lots of jelly!

We are watching Tucker play in the play place and trying to find some Christmas presents online.? We are also talking about Christmas budget–which we should have probably talked about some time ago, but haven’t had the chance… with all of the stuff going on.

Jenny is singing in the Christmas musical at church, “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” tonight, Saturday, and Sunday.? In the meantime, I think we are going to submit ourselves to the beating of looking for some Christmas presents with a 3 year old in tow.? Yes, Virginia, we are crazy!

We are going to get to hang out with my parents and my Uncle Jack and Aunt Barbara Sanders.? Barbara and my mom are sisters.? Jack is one of my heroes. He has been a bi-vocational pastor for his entire life–pretty stinking cool indeed.? Going to be fun to see them at Forest Park at the musical.

P.S.–It’s 4:45 p.m. and I just sat down to finish this post.? We had an absolute beating of a time going to four different stores–just four. I find it amazing how busy the stores are these days–even in the midst of an economic recession.

First Cars

Here is a picture of a car we saw at Maple Leaf. It is the exact same car that was my dad’s first car.

My first car, “The Silver Bullet,” was a 1980 Chevrolet ‘Vette–Chevette that is! It was silver that looked like primer or a homemade paint job with rattle cans–or both! The best part was that it was a standard transmission. Sweetness!

What was your first car? What funny stories or memories do you have of that car?

Happy Birthday Jenny!

Today, November 13th, a Friday that year, my beautiful bride was born!? The older we get, the more I respect and love her!? Something happens when you move past the trite, sappy sayings and you go through wonderful, horrible, amazing, crazy times together and really begin to grow together as soul mates.

The last year has been “one of those years” for me and therefore probably for Jenny.? I honestly don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have her encouraging and loving me through some pretty dark times.? I am not one of those romantic guys–mainly because it is hard to be romantic when you are the class clown and village idiot!? However, I do cry at movies . . . (and even some commercials.)? I just love when the appropriate words are spoken at just the right moment!

I know that most people who read blogs (especially guys) are going to be “throwing up in their mouth” to coin a phrase by Kevin Stratton when the read further, so be forewarned!? I always hate it when guys gush over their wives . . . especially on their blogs.? But . . . honestly this next few lines aren’t for you, they are for Jenny, but I want and need to say publicly (or at least for the 5 and a half people who read this thing!)? This year was a little different as I surprised her pretty early with a present, so this goes as a card . . . and will last as long as I have this blog.

I really don’t know how I would make it without you!? Keeping me grounded when I need to be grounded.? Encouraging me to soar to great heights when I don’t feel like I can get off the ground.? Loving me, especially in those “unlovely” times.? Being an awesome mom to two amazing boys!? Making me laugh at myself and helping me not take myself too seriously.

You are the best and I am so grateful to have such a wonderful companion and friend in my life!? Happy Birthday!? I love you!

Golden Testimony

We are in the final stages of our Generations Campaign at our church.? It is a capital fund raising campaign, yes.? But what I am finding it to be is a “faith raising” campaign.? I know for sure that our faith has been challenged for sure.? Jenny and I have neither one been through a campaign like this, so we are definitely “newbies.”? I have heard stories about couples praying seperately and then coming together to the penny, etc.? I always thought those kinds of stories were from super spiritual people and would never happen to me.? We actually had that happen as well to us this time around–pretty crazy.? I actually didn’t want to say what I had in mind because it was a huge stretch, so I asked Jenny what she thought first.? (Some people call it a lack of guts, I simply call it diplomacy!)

All along the way, however, there have been AWESOME testimonies come in about God’s moving in our church.? Here is yet another unbelievable, creative I might add, testimony of what some of our folks have done to give to this campaign.? Got this tonight from our pastor in an email . . .

Dear Generations Team,

Yesterday, we got an unusual gift from an anonymous donor.? The letter said,

“We felt like this offering needed a letter of explanation. Enclosed you will find a portion of our offering to the Generations Campaign. We have both been previously married and at one time these were a symbol to us of a person’s love and commitment to us and God. We both took our vows with commitment, but later in life, found that our former spouses did not. The results of our divorces left us feeling little self worth, but the Lord never gave up on us.? We were worth His life. We are priceless

Some time later the Lord led us to FPBC where we met through the singles ministry and became friends.? We were married here and gave each other new rings that symbolize our love?We have asked ourselves what we could do with our old rings. They are worthless to us, but the Lord could make them worth something for His kingdom.? Please accept them as a portion of our offering to the Generations Campaign.? We pray the Lord uses this offering to heal the broken, return the lost, and reveal His children’s worth to them.”

Attached is a picture of the rings.

I’m excited about Sunday.? I believe it is going to be a miraculous day!

Much love!


Branson Trip Pics

Finally getting some pics up from our trip two weekends ago to Branson.? It was really good to get away after Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday.? We are really proud of Taylor and his progress into a really cool, smart little boy!? It is nice to have an “easy” Parent Teacher Conference–not something that mom and dad probably had with me–Ha!

Our friend, Brian Hissink works at the Sight & Sound Theater in Branson as a Lighting guru (my term).? He got us four tickets to see Noah: The Musical.? It was really cool!? The second act after intermission, you are inside the ark–real and robot animals all over the place!? Lions, Tigers, Bears, oh my!!? Thanks again, Brian!!

Here are some pics from the weekend:

Friday is for Family . . . and Friends . . . and Fun

We got the opportunity to get away to Branson for a couple of nights so that we could go to, as Tucker calls it “Dollar City.”? My mom and dad have, since we have been back in the area, have given us season passes to Silver Dollar City for our Christmas gifts.? The boys really love the rides, especially the train.

Plus, our friend Brian works at the Noah show down here in Branson.? He saw my Facebook status the other night about heading to Branson and immediately emailed me and offered us four tickets to see his show tonight!? Stinking cool!? So we are going to have a great day!

We will be heading out to “dollar city” here in a bit, but I wanted to show off some pics of the boys.

Notice a few things: the Cars fleece blanket was made by Grandma Betty last Christmas for Taylor (Tucker has a Thomas the Tank Engine fleece), and especially “Baby, the teddy bear.”? Baby has not been with Tucker since he had a terrible day on Monday and got ALL of his animals taken from him!? I’m sure that you all have some great stories about that kind of thing!? Anyway, we had a reunion of sorts this morning, so Tucker is happy!

So do you all have some stories of being grounded from stuffed animals?

I’m a Believer too!

Stratton has been talking all about Hackett’s Hot Wings like crazy for the last two weeks, so I decided we needed to check them out as well.? Jenny and I both LOVE hot wings (well not necessarily HOT wings, but you get the point!)

We were definitely not disappointed with the experience!? We loved everything . . . the building, the food, the atmosphere!

What is your favorite party/tailgate food? (Gary Daily will say “smoked wings” from the Filling Station in KC!)

Here are some pics of us hanging out at Hacketts.? Enjoy.