Happy 155th Birthday!!

First Baptist Church, Springfield, MO had their 155th year anniversary this past Sunday. We went downtown to church in the morning and then to River Bluff Fellowship’s new building dedication in the evening. I love singing those old hymns with the organ cranked. It brings back a lot of memories of my childhood into my college years. My pastor during college, Lynn Worthen preaching in the morning service. He did an awesome job talking about CHANGE. If there is anything that any church (traditional or non-traditional, new or old) doesn’t want to do is change. I’m not really sure how well the message was received, but I hope it was received and the church will flourish.

Something really funny was said by the pastor. Russell and Carolyn Newport were given a really nice appreciation during the service. The pastor said that Russell was the interim music pastor for 14 years!! Pastor turned to Lynn Worthen and said, “Pastor, I’ve learned that you can stay for as long as you want here at First Baptist . . . if you are an interim.” Classic line!

I also noticed something that is very unsettling to me. They had the names of all of the church plants that they had sponsored/been a part of over the years. There are a TON of churches around here because of First Baptist’s planting heart . . . until the mid 90s. Something happened after they planted Ridgecrest. (I can still remember the excitement and weekly reports of Ridgecrest and of how it was going “in the white house off of Republic Road”. Maybe that was the first glimpse for me into church planting as a junior high student!) Something happened in the mid 90s . . . but no one could put a finger on it then. In the mid 90s, there was a big fight over “important” things like what kind of music we are going to sing, who’s liberal and conservative and who’s not. It was a very similar fight that many have been apart of all over this country in SBC life. It turned toward staff and pastors. It was quite sad. During that time, the church turned inward, stopped planting churches and decline began to happen. Obviously I am a church planter, so what I am about to say is pretty biased. But when a church stops looking to expand the Kingdom of God and looks to guard their own little kingdom, God removes His hand from that place. Have people been saved in that place since the mid 90s? Absolutely. Were they a part of works after 1985? Absolutely. But I wonder what “could have been” if “we” hadn’t lost our focus on the real goal–reaching unchurched people for Christ. I say “we” because I am a part of that place. I always will. Jenny and I were married there in that sanctuary in 1995. I was a part of the youth ministry there. Jenny and I were baptized there. I surrendered to full time Christian service there. I began my ministry career there teaching Sunday School. I helped with Summer Celebration during two summers. I love that place! I love the people!

I say this because I love that place . . . there could be so much more (future tense). What an exciting place downtown Springfield has become! I sure hope and pray that we truly can change for the better and that, if the Lord tarries, she will have many more years of effective ministry in downtown Springfield.

If our little “baby church” can learn anything from a 155 year old church it is to remain faithful to the GOSPEL. When we begin to focus too much on insider information, we lose the hand of God. I pray for Finley Crossings that we would remain focused on those on the outside looking in. That we would not lose sight of the vision that we have tons of people coming to a relationship with Jesus Christ through this church family. Wouldn’t it be fun to have a 155th anniversary for Finley Crossings? Think of the LEGACY that we are leaving behind for generation after generation to come. REMAIN FAITHFUL . . . that is what I learned from an old bride this weekend.

Remembering Your Spiritual Heroes

Ed Young Jr. from Fellowship Church has began a video blog that is sometimes worth the time, especially the first installment.? Seriously, somebody get the gun away from that dude!? He looks and sounds beat down.? Totally different than the Ed Young that I know from Creative Pastors and on T.V. (like the second and third installments.)

I appreciate him being able to say what many of us would love to say but are afraid to for whatever reason.

I was talking to one of my mentors the other day and he said that “pastoring is a very lonely place.”? Please pray for your pastor, whoever and wherever he is this week.? (Can you do that??? It’s not pastor appreciation month!? Just kidding.)

Seriously, there are a lot of pastors that don’t get the recognition that they deserve.? As we head up toward Memorial Day, let us remember those who have gone before us who have lead us spiritually.? Take some time this weekend and thank the Lord for those in your life that have helped you spiritually along the way.

First Day in New Building for Riverbluff Fellowship

Congratulations to our sister church in Ozark, Riverbluff Fellowship.? They had their first service in their new building on Evans Road this morning!? Their pastor is Scott Watson, who was my from 8th grade on.? He married Jenny and I and has been a huge friend and mentor to me over the years.? Congratulations Riverbluff!? We are excited about your new home and ministry to your new neighbors!

Tuesday Afternoon Reflections

I have really been enjoying reading about all of the awesome “returns” from churches around the country that had AWESOME Easter weekends! I truly believe that we are all on the same team and that we all win when there are so many people coming to Christ on one day! I know that there are a bunch of churches that were planted on Sunday! How exciting to know that Christ’s bride is growing and reaching more and more people!! Katie Rentfro, former member and MSU grad, is living in Houston, TX and is a part of one of those new church plants that started on Easter Sunday. It is cool to see where God is taking people from even our little place and moving them to be a part of great things. I think the best churches still haven’t been planted yet!
I think something that Mark Batterson said on his blog sums up the weekend for me . . .

One last thought for pastors.

Is it just me or is Easter one of the toughest messages to preach? I think I put a little extra pressure on myself 🙂 And it is so hard to approximate the emotion we ought to feel. I really think the greatest truths are the toughest to put into words! No combination of the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet can adequately praise God for the victory He won over death. That is when you feel most dependent upon the Holy Spirit to do what only the Holy Spirit can do!

I agree wholeheartedly, Mark! I ran into a colleague at the hospital this week and he was talking about how much pressure we put on ourselves on Easter. It really is funny how we put all of our “eggs” (pun intended) in one Easter basket. Around here at CFC, we are a church of young families that go to grandma’s for Easter. History has shown us (and Sunday held true) that we have a lot of visitors on Easter, but they are mainly family members and friends of our people. If history holds true, we will have almost as many people here the next few weeks as we had on Easter. It is really difficult not to get frustrated with this . . . but to trust that it is Resurrection Sunday EVERY WEEK of the year!

I am really excited about the next few weeks as we start our new series called Beyond Limits.

Cornerstone Simi Amphitheater

Found this info. on a blog I read a lot by Ben Arment. He is a church planter near Washington D.C.

I subscribe to Francis Chan’s podcasts from his church, Cornerstone Church, Simi Valley (CA). While Jenny and I were listening the other night to the podcast, Francis mentioned that the elders were kicking around the idea of an amphitheater that their church would meet in that would also double as a community park. He is really conscious about being a good steward of what God has given us.

Watch here to see why Cornerstone Simi decided to build an outdoor amphitheater instead of a building. You will probably need to watch it several times . . . to listen to the words to the song as well as the words on the screen.? He says on his website that they can save MILLIONS of dollars by doing the amphitheater and be able to give to the poor and needy! Their elders decided this last year to give 50% of their budget to ministries OUTSIDE of Cornerstone!! Unheard of!! Pretty cool stuff. I dig this kind of thinking! Read more

Monday Morning Reflections

We really had a good day yesterday.? It was good to get back to preaching after Chris did such a great job last week starting this series off with a great message.? I preached on “The Man.”? Jesus is the most loved and hated man in history.? There are so many differing opinions about Jesus from believer and non-believer alike.? I felt like that we need to take an in depth look at this man Jesus.? We are continuing some of the Scriptures that we didn’t get to on the devotional blog.? You will want to check them out.? Read more

Are you a “Star?”

Our Children’s Ministry is having “Star Search” tomorrow after the service. It takes a whole bunch of “stars” to make that ministry happen each week and we are always looking for people to volunteer to be a “star” in a child’s life. There will be food, it will be fast (only one hour), and it’s free!

Many people ask me why we don’t do a big week of ministry like Vacation Bible School or something like VBS. I like to say that we do a VBS quality “program” every week our children are here at CFC. So actually, they get more than a week’s worth of quality, awesome programming; they get around year’s worth of Sundays full of fun at church! I have been editing a video for them to use tomorrow and it is AWESOME to see all of the great stuff going on “back there” while we are out in the adult service. They can’t do it alone and who knows, maybe you are missing out on the blessing of helping a child come to know Jesus Christ in a personal way.

I know that some of my favorite people in life are my Sunday School teachers and Youth Ministry leaders who took time out of their extremely busy lives to share Christ with a goofy little brown haired boy. I am grateful to them for taking that time to study the “flannel graph” lesson and teach us. Times have changed . . . flannel graph (although extremely cool, still) is not used very much anymore. . . but the message of Jesus Christ changing a young (and old) heart hasn’t changed a bit.

Come tomorrow and check out what is going on in our Children’s Ministry.? You might even find that you fit perfectly to make a huge impact on a child’s life.

Monday Evening Reflections

What a great Sunday! Our attendance was down quite a bit, but I think we had a really good service! Our worship band sounds better each week! Not that it was really bad before! That’s like saying, “boy, have you lost weight? You sure look great!” Makes you wonder if you really looked HORRIBLE before! Ha! It was “Stars Sunday,” so our elementary age kids were out of the service for the whole time, which made the sanctuary seem that much more empty.

God seems to be moving among our people.
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Monday Morning Reflections

Wow, it was so great to be back in our church on Sunday morning! What was even better was the fact that our staff has been working really hard in getting our First Impressions teams up and going. They hit a home run on Sunday morning!! The band rehearsed at 8 a.m. and were finished and ready to go at 9 a.m.!! That is when about 40 people started showing up to our new prayer time at 9:15 a.m. Heather Payne has so graciously volunteered to watch kiddos for that 45 minute time so that our other teams, First Impressions, Worship team, Sight & Sound, Cafe, Children’s Ministry teams could pray for the services!! Thanks Heather!!

We had several first time guests that I think are going to come back because you guys did such an awesome job in making them feel at home!! Way to go!! Read more

North Point Church, Springfield, MO

Jenny, Taylor, Tucker and I had the privilege of going to North Point Church yesterday! We decided on Saturday night that we would go because it was a different denomination than ours, we have heard good things, but really the deciding factor was the noon service! Read more