Slacker Blogger . . . will post soon. . . I promise!

Every time I sit down to post about what has been going on and on my heart over the last several weeks, I seem to get interupted–interupted by good stuff. . . mostly.? We have been super busy with family as well as church stuff.

Just a quick post to let you know that everything is going well . . . just extremely busy.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Check out the recent Twitter/Facebook on the left margin in the meantime.


I saw this first on Eric Barb’s blog and clicked on the link and am hooked!? Alpha is a live blog reader.? What is that you ask?? Well, you go to Alpha and just check it out.? You will have blog after blog come up in random order.? You can pause the shuffle, bookmark the site, etc.? I’ve already found several interesting posts in just a few minutes of time on the site.

Here is the explanation by the inventor of the Alpha Inventions, Cheru Jackson:

Here is how it works. (simple as possible I hope).. Ready?

Let?s go?

If you update or publish your blog at the same time my visitors are browsing blogs in my site then my visitors will get a chance to see your blog in real-time. BAM! (the entire blog is in their face instantly) It?s not even annoying to watch.? Is it alpha addicts??

I also provide a link to your blog in case they want it to open your blog in a new window, or bookmark your blog . The links provides your title, and description to help my visitors get a better understanding on what your blog is about, and get more interested.

I don’t know, we will check it out and see if it brings me more hits on my blog.? So far, so good though.? In the meantime, it is pretty fun to read blogs in real time!? Check it out!

Catch-up Post(s)

So much going on lately this fall around C-town and the Stone family!

  • We have a new puppy, Pepper.
  • We had two birthdays (Tucker and Jenny).
  • We had a Children’s Choirs of Southwest Missouri fall concert extravaganza.
  • We have had several friends down from Ozark/Nixa/Springfield (by the way, they just invited themselves and came down, so why don’t you do the same (wink)).
  • We finished up our Generations Campaign at our church right before Thanksgiving, which was really cool to get people on board to reach the future generations here and around the world.? That took a lot of time and energy and was the focus of all of our staff for about 2 1/2 months, so just when it was over, the holiday season came with a bang and we are rushing to catch up!
  • Oh, and did I mention that we got a new puppy?? And did I mention that all I do after I get home and before I leave for work is clean up after the puppy (and also his older friend, who should be potty trained, Henry) all the time?? It is going to be awesome though, when they are completely trained in like 2015!

I finally got my blog moved over to my own personal hosting account at Dreamhost last week.? I had a few gliches in getting it moved over and looking right and such, so I haven’t been focused so much on writing posts as the programing side of the blog.

One of my resolutions and goals this next year is to use this blog to really share my heart with my congregation and show off the family a lot better.? Technology is such an amazing thing–and easy (when it works), that I think I need to harness that much better for my ministry.? In meeting with my leaders here at FP Carthage, I have heard 2 major “issues” that I need to help us do better around here–communication and motivation.? Both of which I believe can be conveyed quite well through this medium and I intend to do a better job using this tool.

There are going to be a lot more posts focused on the things I am passionate about–family, missions, church planting, etc.? They are probably not going to all be original things because there are so many other smart people out there that I will probably use their stuff (and give them link love of course).? Basically, what I do on the sidebar with the “Surf’s Up” section, I am going to do a lot more with the main posts.

So here’s to turning over a new leaf (again) and getting after this thing to keep people up to date!? Feel free to comment and “spur me on” to post when you haven’t heard from me in a while!

Here we go.

Here are some pictures over the last couple of months that I have been wanting to get up on the blog but haven’t done it!? Enjoy!

Silent Blogger could be silent for a while longer

I have been intending on posting more, but have just been busy or lazy, or both!? I am moving my site around at the hosting company, so the blog may be down for a bit, but will be back better than ever (ahem, mediocre as usual)!

When it gets back up and running, there will be many stories to tell as you can tell by the Twitter updates on the left column–puppies, birthday parties, holidays, etc.? Lots of photos to get uploaded to the ol’ blog!

Until then . . . peace and quiet.

Back up and running!

Isn’t techonology wonderful??? I tried to update the “back side” software of my blog through WordPress the other day and something didn’t work right and I wasn’t able to log in to post and then the blog wasn’t even on the internet!? After about 2 days of head scratching, A Stone’s Throw is back up and running!? Enjoy!

If you can’t say anything nice . . .

Many, if not all of us, can remember the saying from our parents, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” My dad used to say all of the time “Son, keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool, rather than opening it and removing all doubt.” Both of these quotes are quite appropriate for this blog since I started it, specifically the last week or so.

I wrote a post with a picture of a church marquee sign that was not intended to be downgrading to the church who put up the sign, per se.? Simply to talk about how “the Church” (capital C) in America is losing her influence and relevance every day.? There are probably many better ways to state this fact as well as use encouraging words to help the Church in America “get it”? than rant and rave about a particular church’s marquee.

My friend Charles commented on this particular post and made me reread and reread again the post and think about the tone of the post.? After some other advice and assesment, I decided to delete the post and the comments altogether.? That is not the kind of tone that I want to have on this blog.? I had not intended on hurting my brothers and sisters at this church, but I might quite possibly hurt them.? For this mistake, I am very sorry.? I had no intention in being so derogitory in my tone.

For the bakers dozen of people who read this blog (Thanks mom and dad!), you might remember a “phase” I went through about 8 months ago where I “turned negative.”? It was honestly a pretty dark time in my life and it showed in my blogging.? That is not the case now I don’t think.? I am in a really “good place” right now in my life and ministry.? There is sometimes a desire to be funny–sometimes to the expense of others. This is not a good practice.? I know there are many bloggers who “make their living” by being negative, but I don’t want to be one of those bloggers.? I really want to take the tone of this blog to be pro Gospel, pro local church, and buidling up the Church of Jesus Christ.

So if I don’t have anything nice to say. . . I won’t say anything at all.? And I will try to keep my big yapper shut and stop “removing all doubt” . . . or at least be nice if I do open my yapper!

Slacker Blogger

I have been called out . . . again!!? John Hill has called me a slacker blogger.? Just because he blogs about his recent trip with Aaron, his son, to seven MLB games in seven different ballparks in six different cities in seven days. . . blah, blah, blah.? Just kidding John!!? I can’t wait until the boys are old enough to do something like that with them!

Actually, John hasn’t called me out, but a mutual friend recently commented that he hadn’t posted in quite some time, but not in the category of “David Stone.”? Nice–so I am now in a category of blogging mediocrity all my own!!

Read more

New Look

Looking to bring a little color to the ol’ blog.? Kind of agree with Eric Barb that my previous site was “a bit antiseptic.”? Be nice, there might be some weird things for a while as I get the bugs worked out

Welcome to Passion Week

Welcome To Passion Week!

We have put together an online devotional to go along with the last week of Jesus Christ’s life. There is also a hard copy that will be given out tomorrow at church for those of us who need paper.

We really wanted people to relive the last chapters of the gospels in the time line that Jesus lived. Each day has Scripture readings that we think, to the best of our knowledge happened on each day. Of course there are scholarly debates of some of the dates, but we are sticking with the accepted dates and events.

I hope you will take advantage of the journey through the Passion week.

Make sure you comment as well!

Back in Business

After a long 9 day absence due to a situation with our hosting company (long, ugly story), we are back online with Stone’s Throw, Regeneration Devotional, and Finley Crossings.? Look for posts soon.