The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

I’ve been wrestling with this idea lately in “waiting on the Lord.” I know all the verses and everything about “those that wait on the Lord will they renew their strength,” but… the great theologians Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Read more

Are You a Goer, a Sender, or a Mobilizer?

Check out this video from The Austin Stone Community Church. They have a goal of helping 100 people start the process of being sent out in 2010 to the unreached people groups in the world for 2 years terms. ?Very cool. ?Check out the website at ?Something that really resonated with me as I looked at the website was the fact that they have done an excellent job in breaking down missions to three distinct roles…Goers, Senders, and Mobilizers. Many times we say “I’m just not called, wired, gifted, etc. to do missions.” ?But what I love what Matt Carter says in this video is that, in?essence, yes, we are all wired differently, but we ALL need to be a part of the Great Commission.

For more information about Forest Park’s missions opportunities and how you can be a part of the Great Commission, simply check us out on the web at

100 People from The Austin Stone on Vimeo.