kidstuf107.jpgWe had a great Tech Rehearsal last night and we are going to have an awesome KidStuf on Sunday!! Please pray for us as we have our official Kickoff of KidStuf on Sunday.

Here is what I put in the Current to be prepared for Sunday.


A few things before Sunday . . .

1. PRAY–Pray like crazy for all of the people who will be in attendance. Pray that God would soften their heart to hear the Gospel presentation! Pray that they would laugh and have a great time and find that their is true JOY in the Lord! Pray for the actors, dancers, singers, tech people, and me as I am going to be presenting the Bible story. Pray that God might really speak through me and the “Good Book Look.” As you are sitting in the service, be praying for those around you who need Christ! Pray a huge prayer of expectancy that God is going to move in a powerful way this Sunday morning!

2. Be here by 9:00 a.m. to pray and be ready for our guests!
ALL HANDS ON DECK for this outreach event!! Even if you aren’t a part of the programming–you are VITAL to KidStuf!! For example, if you have a smile–use it to greet our guests!

3. Logistics–

–Please park in the spots away from the building first so our guests have spots close to the building. (I know we always do this, but I think we are going to have many more guests with us this week!)

–We are NOT going to take up a formal offering for TITHES on Sunday as we are treating KidStuf as any other Community OUTREACH event, such as Harvest Blowout! It is our gift to the community and therefore, we will give our own tithes in the baskets in the cafe. We think it speaks volumes that people hear that we care about them more than we care about money! Sure, it takes money to do ministry, but the lion’s share needs to be given by those of us passionate about outsiders, not the outsiders! God is more than faithful to bring the increase when we use the increase to reach out into the community. KidStuf is one of those outreach opportunities. Be also in prayer for our finances here at CFC. We are leveraging all we can to reach out to our community over the next few weeks with Harvest Blowout as well as getting ready for KidStuf, so we are in need of financial resources to pay for the outreach. Pray that we will have a great offering on Sunday and the following Sundays as we look outward to the community!

–Elementary Kids up front, adults in the seating in the back. We will obviously not be having All Stars, so everyone will be in the Sanctuary together.

–Preschool parents–4-5 year olds . . . are invited and encouraged to come to KidStuf. . . do not need to be checked in . . . Greeters will be in the kidzone if the kids need anything. 2-3 year olds . . . may come to KidStuf. . . do not need to be checked in unless they go to Shining Stars. . . but are to stay with their parents during the production. Shining Stars are meeting as usual. Wee Ones Nursery is available as usual as well.

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